Nominations for the Fritt Ord Prize 2025
The Fritt Ord Foundation invites nominations for potential candidates for the Fritt Ord Foundation Prize.
The Fritt Ord Foundation invites nominations for potential candidates for the Fritt Ord Foundation Prize.
The film ‘Hopeless Mother’ addresses a taboo – “I just wanted to run away from my family”. New awards in December 2024
Director Bente Johanne Moe and Fotspor Film received funding for the documentary film ‘Hopeless mother’ about the shameful taboo topic of postpartum depression.
“The film will contribute to greater openness,” comments Moe.
Here is the list of new awards made by Fritt Ord in December 2024 in response to applications for NOK 100 000 or less.
Join us for a special screening of the film No Other Land, announced as one of the most important and influential film of 2024.
Location: Kunstnernes Hus Cinema
Date and Time: Wednesday, December 4, 2024, 6:00 PM – 7:35 PM
Welcome to a conversation with Sudanese political cartoonist Khalid Albaih and Ukrainian filmmaker Tetiana Khodakivska in Dag Erik Elgin’s exhibition BOMBA at the Skylight Halls of Kunstnernes Hus in Oslo on Thursday, December 12, 2024, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
Dokumentarfilmskaper Deeyah Khan startet sin karriere med å lage en dokumentar om en kvinne som ble utsatt for æresdrap. Filmen ble vendepunktet i hennes anvendelse av ytringsfriheten, sier hun. Khan er basert i London og jobber internasjonalt.
– Det som skiller Norge fra mange andre land, er evnen til å delta i konstruktiv offentlig dialog rundt vanskelige og ofte polariserende temaer. Samtidig kan vi bli flinkere til å inkludere et større mangfold og flere minoritetsstemmer, sier hun.
Intervjuet er på engelsk.
“It is possible to regulate technology platforms”, stated former Minister of Culture Trine Skei Grande on 19 November, when the Presidium of the Storting invited the public to a seminar on freedom of expression.
“We are not without options for exercising control”
To protect freedom of expression in a digital era, it is important that we dare to regulate the international technology platforms and social media, and that we are on the alert for the negative effects of artificial intelligence and deep fakes.
We refuse to be silenced.
That was the common message when six media outlets, journalists, and editors from Georgia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus received the Free Media Awards 2024 on September 17 at the Nobel Institute in Oslo.
– Threatening, attacking, kidnapping, and murdering journalists has become a war tactic, said documentary filmmaker Tonje Hessen Schei in her speech to the prize winners.
Graphic novels that address historical topics was this year’s focus among the 144 public libraries that responded to the Fritt Ord Foundation’s call for applications from libraries for 2024, "The History of History».
According to graphic art creators as well as librarians, graphic novels can recount history in new ways to new groups of readers. Forty-four libraries have been granted MNOK 2.6 to organise meetings on nonfictional prose, fiction and graphic novels. This is the largest amount since the calls for applications from libraries began in 2008.
Debate seminar at the Fritt Ord Foundation premises, Uranienborgveien 2, from 6-7.30 p.m. on Monday, 9 September
The Fritt Ord Foundation and the Zeit Stiftung Bucerius hereby announce that the Free Media Awards for 2024 will be presented to journalists and media from Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Russia and, for the first time, Hungary.
Gerard Ryle, an Irish-Australian investigative journalist and director of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, has led projects that resulted in the resignation of four prime ministers. He led the world’s largest journalistic collaborations: Offshore Leaks, Panama Papers, Paradise Papers, Implant Files, FinCEN Files, and Pandora Papers. “They are all based on the principles of freedom of expression,” he says.
Tuva Rognås Strømmen from Valdres Upper Secondary School won the history competition ‘My family in History’ with the story entitled “An ordinary life, out of the ordinary” about the life choices that her Great Aunt Ragnhild made in the late 1800s. Liv Conradi Andersen from Kråkerøy Lower Secondary School won an award for “First she lost her home, then they wanted to take away her language” about how her Sámi grandmother Marit Elvira experienced the Norwegianisation policy prevalent in Finnmark County in the 1950s.
Pastor Kjersti Gautestad Norheim has been appointed to the Fritt Ord Foundation Board.
The Fritt Ord Foundation awards annual grants to critics for 2024-2025. At NOK 250 000 each, the grants should result in a steady stream of reviews during the period from August 2024 to August 2025.
A new report gives some answers and, for the first time, the use of artificial intelligence in the media has been surveyed all over the world.
The Fritt Ord Foundation, the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford and the University of Bergen invite the public to the world-wide launch of the Reuters Digital News Report 2024 and the Norwegian report:
Monday, 17 June 2024, 08.30-10.00 a.m.
Uranienborgveien 2, Oslo