At the Gates/In Transit: Photo exhibition and seminar at the main Deichman Library

May 16 2015

The photo exhibition “At the Gates/In Transit”, sponsored by the Fritt Ord Foundation, can be seen at the main Deichman Library for the rest of this week. The exhibition focuses on refugees and asylum-seekers in Greece and Finland, and it is part of the project “”">Fortress Europe – from a Youth Perspective".

On Saturday, 16 May, from 2.00-4.00 p.m., the initiators will be hosting a luncheon seminar on the EU’s asylum policy from a youth perspective. Elias Vartio, project coordinator from Futurelab Europe, is presenting a new report on the Dublin system, based on surveys conducted in Finland, Norway, the UK, Belgium and Greece.

The event is free of charge and open to the public. Coffee and snacks will be served.

Futurelab Europe is a think tank for young people between the ages of 20 and 30 who are involved in European issues.