Kindle – revolution coming to the book market
Why is it important to have Norwegian ebooks? Featuring, among others, Gisle Hannemyr: ”Competition perspectives on readers” and Eirik Newth: ”What is the reader’s potential?”. A panel of representatives from publishing houses, booksellers, writers, newspapers, consumers and politicians: ”When will efforts be made to make readers with Norwegian content?”.
The Freedom of Expression Foundation, Oslo and the Norwegian Non-Fiction Writers and Translators Association invite the public to an ebook seminar on Tuesday, 27 October 2009, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., at Uranienborgveien 2, Oslo.
10 a.m. –11.15 a.m.:
Why is it important to have Norwegian ebooks?
Trond Andreassen, The Norwegian Non-Fiction Writers’ and Translators’ Association
Competition perspectives on readers
Gisle Hannemyr, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo
What is the reader’s potential? Demonstration of Kindle and Sony readers
Eirik Newth, writer
11.15 a.m. –12 p.m.: Lunch
12 p.m. – 2 p.m.:
When will efforts be made to make readers with Norwegian content?
Publishing Houses: Bjarne Buset, Gyldendal, and Jørgen Klafstad, NRK Aktivum
Booksellers: Randi Øgrey, The Norwegian Booksellers Association
Writers: Anne Oterholm, Norwegian Authors’ Union
Newspapers: John Einar Sandvand, Aftenposten
Consumers: Hans Marius Graasvold, Consumer Council of Norway
Politicians: Ib Thomsen, Party of Progress. (Other politicians not confirmed)
Moderator: Trond Andreassen