New stories about homosexuals: Gay Kids and Patrik 1.5
In tandem with the positive turn in the struggle for gay and lesbian rights and life situations in recent years, new stories are emerging. Where it used to be common to talk about the toil, anxiety and pain of growing up as a homosexual or as the child of homosexual parents – today’s homosexual family stories are characterised by more joy and creativity. The picture book and exhibition Gay Kids and the romantic comedy Patrik 1.5 are good examples of the new storytelling tradition.
Fritt Ord, Gay and Lesbian Health Norway and the Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo, invites the public to a seminar and film screening on Wednesday, 27 May 2009, from 5 to 8 p.m., at Vika Cinema, Ruseløkkeveien 14, Oslo
Lill-Ann Chepstow-Lusty, photographer and author
Bera Ulstein Moseng, author and researcher/senior adviser at Gay and Lesbian Health Norway
Rolf Martin Angeltvedt, author and and director of Gay and Lesbian Health Norway
Ella Lemhagen, screenwriter and film director
Moderator: Ann-Helén Bay, Political Scientist and Director, Institute for Social Research
Invitation (pdf)
Fritt Ord provided NOK 200 000 in support for the Gay Kids Project in 2007.