
Call for nominations for the 2020 Free Media Awards

March 15 2020

The Fritt Ord Foundation and The ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius hereby invite nominations of independent journalists, bloggers, Internet media and newspapers for the 2020 Free Media Awards.

The coronavirus situation: Grants for activities that are cancelled/postponed

March 13 2020

The Fritt Ord Foundation has received queries from several grant recipients who are wondering how to handle different projects in response to the coronavirus, and we will do our best to help find satisfactory solutions.

Illustration: Jon Arne Berg

Filmmakers assess freedom of expression in 2020

February 28 2020

Time and venue: 28 February 2020, 4:30 – 5:30 p.m., at Vega Scene, Hausmanns gate 28, Oslo.

Artistic freedom of expression is often an indicator of exactly where we draw the line in a society. Has the work of Norwegian documentalists become more difficult?

Film poster

Screening of the documentary film "Angels on Diamond Street" and talk about civil disobedience

February 27 2020

Time and venue: Thursday, 27 February 2020, 5.30–7.30 p.m., Vega Scene, hall 3, Hausmanns gate 28, Oslo.


The status of freedom of expression in Norway: What do we know – and what don't we know?

February 13 2020

What are the greatest challenges to freedom of expression today, and what should researchers examine in greater detail?

Time and venue: 13 Feb. 2020, 7 to 9 p.m., the House of Literature in Oslo.

Three new projects regarding the status of freedom of expression in Norway 2020–2021

January 15 2020

Press release, Thursday, 16 January 2020

Have online harassment and polarisation altered Norwegians’ views about freedom of expression? How has researchers’ freedom of expression evolved at a time when knowledge about areas such as climate, gender and integration invariably generate controversy in public opinion? Is artistic freedom of expression under more intense pressure now than before? And when do employers consider a statement to be disloyal?

Earmarked funding for Norwegian journalism

January 10 2020

The Fritt Ord Foundation is allocating up to MNOK 25 annually for four years for journalistic projects. The MNOK 100 initiative is entitled Norwegian Journalism.

Free Media Awards 2019 in Vilnius

November 21 2019

The 2019 Free Media Awards were bestowed at the Free Media Awards conference in Vilnius, Lithuania, under the auspices of Fritt Ord and ZEIT-Stiftung, on Tuesday 19 November 2019.

Earmarked funding for Norwegian journalism

November 8 2019

The Fritt Ord Foundation is allocating up to MNOK 25 annually for four years for journalistic projects. The MNOK 100 initiative is entitled Norwegian Journalism.

Digital threats to journalism

November 6 2019

OsloMet and Fritt Ord invite the public to a debate on the importance of digitisation for journalism, on Wednesday, 6 November 2019, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Fritt Ord’s premises at Uranienborgveien 2, Oslo.

Digital threats to journalism

November 6 2019

OsloMet and Fritt Ord invite the public to a debate on the importance of digitisation for journalism, on Wednesday, 6 November 2019, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Fritt Ord’s premises at Uranienborgveien 2, Oslo.

Crisis, free speech and the desire to write - seminar on Friday, 1 November

November 1 2019

How about getting a jump start on the interdisciplinary topic “Democracy and citizenship”? Fritt Ord and the National Association for Norwegian Teaching invite the public to a seminar on CRISIS, free speech and the desire to write, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday, 1 November at Fritt Ord’s premises in Oslo.

The seminar will take its point of departure in the concept of ‘crisis’, which is this year’s topic in the Fritt Ord Foundation Competition for Upper Secondary School. The climate crisis, political crises and individual crises – all are examples of the uncertainty and unrest that characterise our times. But is the picture completely dark, glum and destined to go “straight to hell”? Not necessarily. Crises can also mean a turning point – an opportunity to improve. But that calls for action!

Crisis, free speech and the desire to write - seminar on Friday, 1 November

November 1 2019

How about getting a jump start on the interdisciplinary topic “Democracy and citizenship”? Fritt Ord and the National Association for Norwegian Teaching invite the public to a seminar on CRISIS, free speech and the desire to write, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday, 1 November at Fritt Ord’s premises in Oslo.

Call for applications: Cross-border journalism project "Central Asia-mix"

October 31 2019

The call for applications for participation in Perspektivy’s cross-border journalism programme “Central Asia-mix” is now open.

The Fritt Ord Foundation's Oxford Fellowship for 2020 is awarded to Shazia Majid

October 25 2019

The Fritt Ord Foundation’s journalism fellowship to the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford for 2020 is awarded to Shazia Majid, journalist and former commentator at VG.

The Fritt Ord Foundation Tribute awarded to Frank Nervik, Norun Haugen, Ola Waagen and Piraya Film

October 22 2019

The award ceremony for Frank Nervik, Norun Haugen, Ola Waagen and Piraya Film took place from 2.30 – 4.30 p.m. on Tuesday, 22 October at Fritt Ord’s premises in Uranienborgveien 2, Oslo.