
Hatred and hostility towards Muslims

October 9 2019

The Fritt Ord Foundation’s project “Islam in Norway” invites the public to an open meeting about hatred and hostility towards Muslims, from 6-7.30 p.m. on Wednesday, 9 October 2019 at Kulturhuset, Youngs gate 6, Oslo.

Frank Nervik, Norun Haugen, Ola Waagen and Piraya Film awarded the Fritt Ord Foundation Tribute

October 9 2019

The Fritt Ord Foundation Tribute is awarded to Frank Nervik, Norun Haugen, Ola Waagen and Piraya Film for the documentary film “Fur” (2014) and “The secrets of the pig industry” (2019), which reveal animal abuse in the fur industry and porkproduction in Norway. Both films have triggered national debates that have had major consequences.

Hatred and hostility towards Muslims

October 9 2019

The Fritt Ord Foundation’s project “Islam in Norway” invites the public to an open meeting about hatred and hostility towards Muslims, from 6-7.30 p.m. on Wednesday, 9 October 2019 at Kulturhuset, Youngs gate 6, Oslo.

Call for proposals: The Fritt Ord Foundation's monitoring project on the status of freedom of expression in Norway

September 27 2019

​​To identify and analyse the status of freedom of expression in Norway, the Fritt Ord Foundation is announcing the availability of up to MNOK 6 in framework funding for a research-based monitoring survey in 2020 – 2021.

The Monitoring Project on the status of freedom of expression in Norway has been carried out twice before by an interdisciplinary research consortium headed by the Institute for Social Research.

The launch of the documentary film “A Gift from God”

September 26 2019

NB! The screening has been moved to Klingenberg Kino. Tickets already picked up are still valid.

The launch of the documentary film “A Gift from God”

September 26 2019

NB! The screening has been moved to Klingenberg Kino. Tickets already picked up are still valid.

The Fritt Ord Journalism Fellowship

September 25 2019

We are pleased to announce the call for applications for the Fritt Ord Journalism Fellowship for journalists funded by the Fritt Ord Foundation. This gives an unique opportunity for Norwegian journalists to benefit from a funded fellowship at the University of Oxford, commencing in January 2020. Application deadline: Wednesday 25 September 2019, at noon.

Freelance Conference 2019 - launch of the new study on Norwegian media freelancers

September 25 2019

Fritt Ord, the Norwegian Critics’ Association and the Press Photographers’ Club, Norway, invite the public to a conference on working conditions for media freelancers in Norway. Which structural changes in the media industry will affect freelancers’ routine work days in future? Are too many freelancers disappearing to the communications sector and to the production of marketing content? Why is it so difficult for freelancers to get paid better?

Survey on conditions for media freelancers

September 25 2019

The proportion of freelancers is on the rise in several countries, but there is little research-based knowledge about working conditions for journalists, photographers and critics who are without regular employment. Along with NJ Frilans, the Press Photographers’ Club, Norway and the Norwegian Critics’ Association, Fritt Ord has taken an initiative to explore the challenges facing freelancers and temps.

Freelance Conference 2019 - launch of the new study on Norwegian media freelancers

September 25 2019

Fritt Ord, the Norwegian Critics’ Association and the Press Photographers’ Club, Norway, invite the public to a conference on working conditions for media freelancers in Norway. Which structural changes in the media industry will affect freelancers’ routine work days in future? Are too many freelancers disappearing to the communications sector and to the production of marketing content? Why is it so difficult for freelancers to get paid better?

Telephone trouble

September 23 2019

Unfortunately, the Fritt Ord Foundation’s telephone lines are down, and it is not currently possible to reach us by calling the switchboard (23 01 46 46) or our regular land lines.

Earmarked funding for Norwegian journalism

September 20 2019

The Fritt Ord Foundation is allocating up to MNOK 25 annually for four years for journalistic projects. The MNOK 100 initiative is entitled Norwegian Journalism.

XY Chelsea – Screening and conversation with Nancy Hollander – Chelsea Manning’s former attorney

September 11 2019

Fritt Ord, Oslo Documentary Cinema and Vega Scene invite the public to a screening of Chelsea XY, a documentary film about Chelsea Manning and the most serious leak of secret US government documents ever. There will be a conversation with Nancy Hollander, Manning’s former attorney, and psychologist Peder Kjøs, after the screening.

XY Chelsea – Screening and conversation with Nancy Hollander – Chelsea Manning’s former attorney

September 11 2019

Fritt Ord, Oslo Documentary Cinema and Vega Scene invite the public to a screening of Chelsea XY, a documentary film about Chelsea Manning and the most serious leak of secret US government documents ever. There will be a conversation with Nancy Hollander, Manning’s former attorney, and psychologist Peder Kjøs, after the screening.

Fritt Ords Honnør til Hans Fredrik Dahl

August 30 2019

Norwegian Documentary Photography

August 23 2019

The Norwegian Journal of Photography will be the focal point of the autumn’s premier photography exhibition at the Henie Onstad Art Centre. 23 August 2019 will mark the opening of the exhibition “Norwegian Documentary Photography”, featuring works by all the photographers who have taken part in the four volumes of NJP.