Support for non-fiction prose

June 15 2020

The list of Fritt Ord’s grants has been updated to include major projects that received support in June 2020. Among the roughly 100 allocations on the list are 24 grants for the development of non-fiction prose manuscripts.

For example, Guro Jabulisile Sibeko received NOK 125 000 to work on the book “Anti-racism in practice”, while Lisa Esohel Ogbeibor Knudsen got NOK 125 000 for the book project “Freedom of expression for whom?”. Vilde Fastvold Thorbjørnsen was granted NOK 125 000 for manuscript development of the book “The subterraneans: migrants in the underground economy” and Anders Sømme Hammer got NOK 125 000 for “The Terrorist from Bærum”. Karin Sundsback has received NOK 125 000 for her work with the book “Slave trade: a Norwegian perspective”.


Aldeles AS, production of the hybrid film “Can someone please tell me that everything will be okay?”, NOK 75 000

Amodeivisual AS, production of the documentary film "Jens I. Bjørneboe and The Problem of Evil”, NOK 100 000

Anders Sømme Hammer, manuscript development of a book about radicalisation, NOK 125 000

Arild Midthun, manuscript development of the graphic novel “EMBLA”, NOK 80 000

Bernhard Ellefsen, manuscript development of the book “What is being lost. Nature that disappears and the literature that tells about it”, NOK 100 000

Bjørn Westlie, manuscript development of the book “The dark years. Norway and the 1930s”, NOK 150 000

Brian Cliff Olguin, the photo project “Brother”, NOK 125 000

ČálliidLágádus, Norwegian-language publication of the book “Letter to the Commission” by Siri Broch Johansen, NOK 30 000

Cappelen Damm AS, four publications in Cappelen’s unpopular series, NOK 100 000

Conradi text and image, production of the documentary film “The uprising at Bjerketun”, NOK 200 000

Deichman Library, the seminar “Source awareness for young people 2020”, NOK 150 000

The Norwegian Tibet Committee, development of the documentary film “When Tibet came to Norway”, NOK 100 000

Elin-Therese Aarseth, manuscript development of the book “INGA. A secret life. A book about Gustav Vigeland’s muse”, NOK 75 000

Ellinor Aurora Aasgaard, “Days”, a serial video art project, NOK 75 000

Fenris Film, development of the documentary film “Still at Sea”, NOK 100 000

Hanne Finstad, manuscript development of the book “Education on the brain’s terms”, NOK 75 000

The Operation Oleander Association, theatre project “The Hour of the Wolf” – third episode of Operation Oleander, NOK 60 000

Photographer Kyrre Lien, production of the short documentary “Wolf! Wolf!", NOK 100 000

Frameline Film AS, development of the documentary film “Residual Heat”, NOK 150 000

Frode Saugestad, Literary Festival on Ari Behn’s authorship, NOK 75 000

Futurum Publishing House, Gateavisa, 50th Anniversary for Gateavisa: Comic strip by Bjarne Melgaard, NOK 50 000

Fuuse AS, production of the documentary film “Muslim In Trump’s America”, NOK 200 000

Guro Jabulisile Sibeko, manuscript development of the book “Anti-racism in practice”, NOK 125 000

Hedda Grevle Ottesen, “OSLO CITY” exhibition programme at B-O-A., NOK 50 000

Helge Alvin Rosfjord, manuscript development of the book “The Terror Money”, NOK 100 000

Ibrahim Fazlic Productions, manuscript development for theatre project “Mamma Masochist”, NOK 75 000

Ida Jahr, manuscript development of the book “Some say yoga may help a little”, NOK 100 000

Ida Larmo, manuscript development of “Rigel”, comic strip documentary on Norway’s biggest shipwreck, NOK 75 000

Ingrid Z. Aanestad, manuscript development of the book “Home”, NOK 75 000

Jorunn Veiteberg, publication of the book “The Jewel Box”, NOK 50 000

Jørgen Watne Frydnes, manuscript development of the book “No man is an island”, NOK 100 000

Karin Sundsback, manuscript development of the book “Slave trade, a Norwegian perspective”, NOK 100 000

Knut Christian Myhre, manuscript development of the book “The Poor Language”, NOK 100 000

Kunstnerforbundet Art Gallery, promotional measures, Studio Kunstnerforbundet 2020, NOK 100 000

Lars Sandved Dalen and Dag Kullerud, manuscript development of the book “The feature article – the 100-metre sprint of non-fiction prose”, NOK 80 000

Leban Hussein, the photo project “The Golden Years in the Land of Poetry”, NOK 75 000

Lene Hagen, manuscript development for theatre project “ECHO – a play about the Nitedal Powder Mill”, NOK 60 000

Line Nagell Ylvisåker, manuscript development of the book “My world is melting – living with climate change on Svalbard”, NOK 100 000

Lisa Esohel Ogbeibor Knudsen, manuscript development of the book “Freedom of expression for whom?”, NOK 125 000

Lise Camilla Ruud, manuscript development of the book “Stories about nature. Connections between nature and culture”, NOK 75 000

Literary symposium in Odda, Ullensvang Municipality, Literary symposium in Odda 2020, NOK 150 000

Margrete Eskedahl, manuscript development of a play entitled “The Utopian” about Ulf Christensen, NOK 70 000

Marius Svaleng Andresen, the photo project “Life in the New”, NOK 75 000

Mathias Steinbru, the podcast “The Information Office for Food and Sustainability”, NOK 60 000

Mattima Films, production of the documentary film “Caveat Andøya”, NOK 150 000

Maya Økland, the art project “Dandara dos Santos”, NOK 75 000

Media Operators, development of the documentary film “Illusions”, NOK 150 000

Media Operators, development of the documentary film “1993”, NOK 75 000

Monday Production, production of the documentary film “Ella’s Rebellion”, NOK 200 000

Nicole Rafiki, solo exhibition “Ascension/I manifest”, NOK 50 000

Nordic Light Events AS, technical photography programme during the Nordic Light Photo Festival, NOK 75 000

The Norwegian Non-Fiction Writers and Translators Association, Norwegian Non-fiction Festival 2020, NOK 120 000

The Norwegian Association of Art Societies, promotional programme for the project “Hey, hey, we’re on exhibit!”, NOK 200 000

Oslo Pictures AS, development of the documentary film “The boy cries alone”, NOK 50 000

Rachel Dagnall, project management for the different branches of “Ways of Seeing”, NOK 75 000

Rafiki Art Initiatives, Rafiki Art Affair 2020, NOK 50 000

The Rafto Foundation, events associated with the awarding of the Rafto Prize 2020, NOK 400 000

Rebecca Shirin Jafari, the photo project “My father is from Iran”, NOK 75 000

Reidar Müller, manuscript development of the book “Frost, flood and drought – seven lessons on climate”, NOK 100 000

Rein Film Finnmark AS, production of the documentary film “Enough is enough”, NOK 200 000

Sant og Usant AS, development of the documentary film “Young Voices”, NOK 150 000

Sara Eliassen, production of the documentary film “43+”, NOK 100 000

Science Addiction AS, manuscript development of the podcast “FALSE”, NOK 100 000

Sidsel Pape, manuscript development of the anthology “From mother’s helpers to world champions. Breastfeeding support 1968-1983”, NOK 50 000

Signe Prøis, development of the prose series “Latin America in Norwegian”, NOK 50 000

Siivet AS, production of the documentary film “Mopetila juurhiin – a Kven road movie”, NOK 100 000

Silje Førsund, manuscript development of the book “A well-kept secret”, NOK 100 000

Snake Oil Media, development of the documentary film “Hamsun’s footprint”, NOK 100 000

Solum Bokvennen, publication of “The History of Germany in Two Volumes” by Bjørn Nistad, NOK 50 000

SPACEGROUP, the photo project “The Aker River 1930/2020/2110”, NOK 100 000

Bjørnson Festival Foundation, Bjørnson Festival 2020, NOK 250 000

The Buskerud Museum Foundation, Portåsen section, comic strip publication based on Wildenvey’s poems, NOK 50 000

The Christiansand Protest Festival Foundation, Christiansand Protest Festival 2020, NOK 200 000

The Student Union in Bergen, the exhibition “The Student Union: Speak your mind?”, NOK 100 000

Tekstallianse, programme for the autumn of 2020, NOK 100 000

Ten Thousand Images, production of the documentary film “We are the River”, NOK 150 000

The Kawaakibi Center, “The Khashoggi Public Sphere Monitor”, NOK 100 000

Tromsø International Film Festival, TIFF Junior 2020, NOK 75 000

TSL Analytics AS, research project on the situation for freedom of expression in Norwegian documentary films in 2020, NOK 150 000

UpNorth Film, production of the documentary film “Apache”, NOK 200 000

Vera-May Berg, manuscript development of the book “The Will and Courage to Survive”, NOK 120 000

Vilde Fastvold Thorbjørnsen, manuscript development of the book “The subterraneans: migrants in the underground economy”, NOK 125 000

Wanted Production Norway, production of the documentary film “Stovner strikes back – blackface”, NOK 200 000

Wigestrand Publishing House AS, Norwegian translations of the books “Inconvenient facts” by Gregory Wrighstone and “False alarm” by Bjørn Lomborg, NOK 100 000

Allocations to journalism

Alvdal – Centre of the World/Tynsetingen, Norwegian Journalism: Series of reports “The Røros Railway Line – nothing but electric pipe dreams?”, NOK 75 000

Dagbladet, Norwegian Journalism: Documentation project in connection with the corona crisis, NOK 150 000

Hege Vadstein, Norwegian Journalism: Torggata Blad no. 2 2020, psychiatry issue, NOK 20 000

Henrik Pryser Libell, Norwegian Journalism: Series of reports “Geopolitics & the Norse settlement on Greenland”, NOK 85 000

Håkon Haugsbø, Norwegian Journalism: Podcast for NRK, NOK 75 000

ISÁMI.PRESS AS, Norwegian Journalism: Series of articles “The invisible stories”, NOK 50 000

Janne Karin Støylen, Norwegian Journalism: Series of articles “Avenues to the reader”, NOK 50 000

Julie Messel, Norwegian Journalism: “Green reading list” – a guide to green literature, NOK 50 000

Randi Lillealtern, Norwegian Journalism: The podcast “When everything came to a standstill”, NOK 100 000

Rushprint as, Norwegian Journalism: Rushprint – campaign for film and TV journalism, NOK 175 000

See Art in Northern Norway, Norwegian Journalism: See Art Magazine 2020-21, NOK 75 000

Shuddhashar, Norwegian Journalism: Shuddhashar Special Issues – LGBTIQ and EXILE, NOK 75 000

Sivilisasjonen AS, Norwegian Journalism: Series of portraits “How to live a happy life?”, NOK 100 000

Sør-Varanger Newspaper, Norwegian Journalism: Series of articles “The asylum crisis five years later”, NOK 75 000

Teknisk Ukeblad Media, Norwegian Journalism: Survey of Technology-Norway, NOK 80 000

Tormod Utne, Norwegian Journalism: Centre for Digital Journalism, NOK 200 000


Civitates' Tech & Democracy open call

March 6 2025

Civitates – The European Democracy Fund is a pooled philanthropic fund that was set up in 2018 for the sole purpose of addressing democratic decline and closing civic space in Europe. The case for confronting these threats is growing increasingly urgent. Fritt Ord Foundation is one of the initiators and partners of Civitates.

Civitates has launched its Tech and Democracy open call to support organisations working to ensure safer, more inclusive online spaces (social media platforms, search engines etc.) by improving the enforcement of EU tech regulations at the national level.

This open call offers a unique opportunity to strengthen civil society’s role in holding the tech sector accountable, with a focus on key EU regulations such as the Digital Services Act, GDPR, AI Act or the European Media Freedom Act to name a few.

Call for nominations: Free Media Awards 2025

March 3 2025

In collaboration with the ZEIT STIFTUNG BUCERIUS of Hamburg, the Fritt Ord Foundation has allocated the Free Media Awards annually since 2004 to Eastern European journalists and media that defy every obstacle to tirelessly ensure independent press coverage. Russia’s war against Ukraine and the subsequent wave of disinformation clearly demonstrates the need for independent reporting in the region. Journalists and media in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Russia, Ukraine and Hungary that promote freedom of the press through their investigative and independent reporting are eligible to be nominated for the Free Media Awards.

Art and Institutions: “I Demand a Museum to Feel its Own Floors Tremble When Other Museums are Destroyed in War”

February 12 2025

Saturday 22 February 2025 at Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, from 14.30 to 16.30 h.

Conversation with Adam Budak (Poland/Germany), Stefanie Carp (Germany), Matej Drlička (Slovakia), Andrea Geyer (USA) og Sarah Lookofsky (USA/Norway). Ingerid Salvesen is moderator.

Across the world, cultural institutions are under increasing pressure. Censorship, self-censorship, drastic funding cuts, and political and sponsorship interference are on the rise. Former and present institutional directors – with personal experiences of political pressure, cancellation and censorship from different geographic contexts – will discuss the limitations and capacities of art institutions in the present.

Freedom of Expression Foundation Tribute to Sara Gaulin

February 5 2025

Sarah Gaulin (30) is being awarded the Freedom of Expression Foundation Tribute for her courageous and principled defence of freedom of expression in the face of extremism, gang crime and negative social control.
As a prominent voice, Gaulin has drawn attention to some of the most demanding and controversial social challenges of our time.