Call for Applications: Cross Border Journalism Project “Asia-Mix: Water Issues”

3. mars 2019

The spring 2019 call for applications for the cross-border journalism project “Asia-Mix: Water Issues” is now open.

We warmly invite journalists from Russia, Eastern Europe, the Baltic states, Caucasus and Central Asia to work together to produce stories through partnership and collaboration that transcend their national borders as a part of the Perspektivy programme (Программа “Перспективы”). Participants may undertake 1-3 day research trips in Central Asia in order to better understand water issues in the region.

Applications deadline is the 3rd of March 2019.

This is a new opportunity for journalists in the early and mid stages of their career looking for the chance to develop their skills in reporting on cross-border issues concerning countries in Central Asia, in order to enhance their professional network in this region.

This programme will involve the following activities:

  • workshops on basic journalistic skills on reporting in global media standards,
  • field exercises, working in teams with the support of experienced mentors, developig cross-border projects.

Examples of topics or areas of interests are:
  • usage of water, issues of irrigation systems and the energy industry
  • climate changes and the Aral sea
  • EBDR projects in the region focused on water usage

Participation is free of charge.

For successful candidates travel, accommodation and other small costs will be covered by the Perspektivy programme, including agreed costs of the research trips.

Provisional place is Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Provisonal dates:
18-31 March 2019 – distance (video-conferences and chats) team work on projects topics discussions and planning of research trips together with the Perspektivy mentors and Alumni based in Central Asia.

3-6 April 2019 – workshops on reporting regional issues in global media standards

7 April 2019 – teams meet up and work on projects with the support of the Perspektivy mentors

8-10 April 2019 – dates of the research trips, agreed costs are subject to reimbursement by the Perspektivy programme

10-30 April 2019 – distance phase to produce projects


Deadline is the 3rd of March 2019. Successful candidates will be informed by e-mail on the 11th of March 2019.

Please click > here < to start online application

Organizers of the programme do not comment on any results of the applications evaluation.

Eligibility criteria:

Middle and early-career journalists and freelancers working in Russia, Eastern Europe, Baltic States, Caucasus, and Central Asia who did not participate in any of the Perspektivy programme activities before.

With 3-17 years of professional experience and who work and produce stories in Russian.

Perspektivy is a joint initiative by the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the Robert Bosch Stiftung and the Fritt Ord Foundation.



Mr. Nobody Against Putin

4. mars 2025

Fritt Ord og Human inviterer til norgespremiere og visninger av «Mr. Nobody Against Putin» på Vega Scene og Cinemateket i Oslo under årets Human internasjonale dokumentarfilmfestival. Den amerikanske filmregissøren David Borenstein står bak filmen i samarbeid med Pavel Talankin fra Russland som er medregissør. Det er fire visninger:

Mandag 10. mars 2025 kl. 17.30 på Vega 1 (utsolgt), mandag 10. mars kl. 18.15 på Vega 2 (utsolgt), mandag 10. mars kl. 18.30 på Vega 3 (billetter) og torsdag 13. mars kl. 20.45 på Cinemateket, Tancred (billetter) med introduksjon av Helle Faber, som er dansk produsent, før filmen.

Civitates' Tech & Democracy open call

6. mars 2025

Civitates – The European Democracy Fund is a pooled philanthropic fund that was set up in 2018 for the sole purpose of addressing democratic decline and closing civic space in Europe. The case for confronting these threats is growing increasingly urgent. Fritt Ord Foundation is one of the initiators and partners of Civitates.

Civitates has launched its Tech and Democracy open call to support organisations working to ensure safer, more inclusive online spaces (social media platforms, search engines etc.) by improving the enforcement of EU tech regulations at the national level.

This open call offers a unique opportunity to strengthen civil society’s role in holding the tech sector accountable, with a focus on key EU regulations such as the Digital Services Act, GDPR, AI Act or the European Media Freedom Act to name a few.

Skolelever i Oslo spiller dataspill, 2023.

Nordmenn stadig mer positive til dataspill

5. mars 2025

17 prosent har fått et mer positivt syn på dataspill det siste året. Seks av ti spiller dataspill, og én av tre spiller dataspill ukentlig. Samtidig rangeres feltet lavere i status enn blant annet bøker og musikk.
– Dataspill fortjener mer oppmerksomhet og debatt, sier Joakim Lie i Fritt Ord.

– Dataspill er også kunst

4. mars 2025

– Problemet med altfor mange mediesaker om dataspill er at de starter med setninger som “dataspill har kommet en lang vei siden Pac-Man”, sukker den amerikanske dataspillkritikeren Jacob Geller.

– La oss bare være enige om at dataspill faktisk er en kunstform og et kulturuttrykk – og se på verkene som en del av kunst- og kulturhistorien.