Filmvisning: The Case Against Ratko Mladic

1. mars 2019

Human internasjonale dokumentarfilmfestival, Sant+Usant og Stiftelsen Fritt Ord inviterer til norgespremiere for filmen “The Trial of Ratko Mladic”, en film om rettferdighetens irrganger i det tidligere Jugoslavia.

Dette er et knyttneveslag av en dokumentar om da mannen bak noen av historiens verste forbrytelser endelig ble stilt for retten i 2012. Det var 20 år etter at lederen for den bosnisk-serbiske hæren, Ratko Mladic, gav ordren om beleiringen av Sarajevo og folkemordet i Srebrenica, med det mål for øye å fjerne alle ikke-serbere.

Rettssaken i det internasjonale krigsforbrytertribunalet for tidligere Jugoslavia er en mulighet for endelig forsoning, og dokumentaren følger den fem år lange rettssaken fra begge sider. Filmen er et opprivende portrett av hans forbrytelser, men også et åndeløst fascinerende møte med Mladics forsvarere, vitner og familie.

Første visning:
Onsdag 27.02.2019 18:15, Vega Scene.
Etter visningen inviteres det til debatt i Salongen 20:30

Andre visning:
Fredag 01.03.2019 18:00, Cinemateket.
Etter visningen inviteres det til Q&A med regissørene.

About “The Trial of Ratko Mladic” and the following panel, Wednesday 27 February.
«The Trial of Ratko Mladic» tells the story of what happened when the man responsible for some of the worst war crimes in modern European history is brought to court. Ratko Mladic was the chief commander of the Bosnian Serb Army during the civil war in Bosnia, and amongst others led the army during the Srebrenica genocide in 1995, where at least 7000 Bosnian muslims were killed. After living in hiding for 16 years after the war ended, he was arrested and prosecuted by an international court, the Jugoslavia tribunal, in Haag.

The documentary follows the five year long trial from both sides. In addition to following the lawyers of the case, the film is telling the stories of victims, witnesses and even Mladic’s own family. It also raises larger questions about the challenges of getting justice for war crimes.

What kind of justice can a trial achieve 20 years later? What is it like to defend and prosecute a man who has committed genocide? What can we learn from what happened in Bosnia in today’s world, where polarisation and politics of division is again on the rise?

The panel begins at 8.30 in Salongen, and features:

  • Dermot Groome, former senior trial attorney at the Office of the Prosecutor for International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and Chief Prosecutor in the case against Mladic. featured in the film The Trial of Ratko Mladic

  • Branko Lukic, Ratko Mladic’s defense lawyer in theInternational Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), featured in the film The Trial of Ratko Mladic

  • Enver Djuliman, Senior Adviser, The Norwegian Helsinki Committee. Author of the book: Forsoning (skilt langs veien) from 2016 about reconciliation processes in various post-conflict areas including the Balkans.

  • Also participating are Henry Singer and Rob Miller, the filmmakers of The Trial of Ratko Mladic

  • Moderator: Ingerid Salvesen, journalist for the podcast Du Verden!