Shifting Boundaries. The European Photo Exhibition Award 03 opens in Paris 19 May 2016

19. mai 2016

On 19 May 2016 at 6.30 p.m. the third epea exhibition will open in Paris. The exhibition showcases twelve European photographers: Arianna Arcara (Italy), Pierfrancesco Celada (Italy), Marthe Aune Eriksen (Norway), Jakob Ganslmeier (Germany), Margarida Gouveia (Portugal), Marie Hald (Denmark), Dominic Hawgood (United Kingdom), Robin Hinsch (Germany), Ildikó Péter (Hungary), Eivind H. Natvig (Norway), Marie Sommer (France) and Christina Werner (Austria).

The initiative is developped by the Körber-Stiftung (Germany), the Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian – Délégation en France (Portugal), Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lucca (Italy) and the Fritt Ord Foundation (Norway).

epea aims to contribute to and to intensify dialogue within Europe. The project also wants to support young European photographers at the beginning of their careers by providing international facilities.

Download the press release here.

About The European Photo Exhibition Award – epea03

Shifting Boundaries
One of the most revealing ways to perceive European history is by examining its persistent and complex changes and transfigurations as symptoms of a dynamic process of development which has a tendency to reshape not only reality, but also its ideas and images. It is not surprising, then, that recent analyses of the contemporary European situation have tended to focus on the effects of the major transformations that are taking place in society: the transition to a post-industrial economy, the steep rise in the flow and networks of communication and goods; the increase in the mobility of people, specifically the resurgence of immigration (and the resulting intensification of the debate on the conditions of integration, but also of control and legality); and the impacts of economic, technological and cultural globalisation. These are just some examples which reinforce the idea that we are facing significant (and in some cases radical) changes in living conditions and social and cultural structures in Europe. A perception that has recently been accentuated by the grave economic and political crisis which has had devastating consequences for society, instigating new fronts of fragmentation in the European space and the emergence of new types of phenomena and of conflict.

The intention is to encourage consideration and analysis of the signs (themes, situations, behaviour, phenomena) which indicate processes of reflection, readjustment and alteration of the concepts and categories, and the images and the representations, which we habitually associate with Europe’s many different realities. At the same time it is important to recognize that this endeavour also implies ascertaining the circumstances of the gaze and the corresponding interpretations which make it possible to develop and articulate with respect to these same signs.

For more information on the photographers, curators and venues, see

Exhibition dates
May 20th – August 28th 2016: Paris, Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian – Délégation en France

October 15th – December 11th 2016: Lucca, Palazzo delle Esposizioni (Exhibition Center), Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lucca

March 3rd – May 1st 2017: Hamburg, Haus der Photographie der Deichtorhallen

September 21st – November 26th 2017: Oslo, Nobel Peace Center



Mr. Nobody Against Putin

4. mars 2025

Fritt Ord og Human inviterer til norgespremiere og visninger av «Mr. Nobody Against Putin» på Vega Scene og Cinemateket i Oslo under årets Human internasjonale dokumentarfilmfestival. Den amerikanske filmregissøren David Borenstein står bak filmen i samarbeid med Pavel Talankin fra Russland som er medregissør. Det er fire visninger:

Mandag 10. mars 2025 kl. 17.30 på Vega 1 (utsolgt), mandag 10. mars kl. 18.15 på Vega 2 (utsolgt), mandag 10. mars kl. 18.30 på Vega 3 (billetter) og torsdag 13. mars kl. 20.45 på Cinemateket, Tancred (billetter) med introduksjon av Helle Faber, som er dansk produsent, før filmen.

Civitates' Tech & Democracy open call

6. mars 2025

Civitates – The European Democracy Fund is a pooled philanthropic fund that was set up in 2018 for the sole purpose of addressing democratic decline and closing civic space in Europe. The case for confronting these threats is growing increasingly urgent. Fritt Ord Foundation is one of the initiators and partners of Civitates.

Civitates has launched its Tech and Democracy open call to support organisations working to ensure safer, more inclusive online spaces (social media platforms, search engines etc.) by improving the enforcement of EU tech regulations at the national level.

This open call offers a unique opportunity to strengthen civil society’s role in holding the tech sector accountable, with a focus on key EU regulations such as the Digital Services Act, GDPR, AI Act or the European Media Freedom Act to name a few.

Skolelever i Oslo spiller dataspill, 2023.

Nordmenn stadig mer positive til dataspill

5. mars 2025

17 prosent har fått et mer positivt syn på dataspill det siste året. Seks av ti spiller dataspill, og én av tre spiller dataspill ukentlig. Samtidig rangeres feltet lavere i status enn blant annet bøker og musikk.
– Dataspill fortjener mer oppmerksomhet og debatt, sier Joakim Lie i Fritt Ord.

– Dataspill er også kunst

4. mars 2025

– Problemet med altfor mange mediesaker om dataspill er at de starter med setninger som “dataspill har kommet en lang vei siden Pac-Man”, sukker den amerikanske dataspillkritikeren Jacob Geller.

– La oss bare være enige om at dataspill faktisk er en kunstform og et kulturuttrykk – og se på verkene som en del av kunst- og kulturhistorien.