"Radiograph of a Family" vant hovedprisen på dokumentarfilmfestivalen IDFA
Stor kveld for norsk dokumentarfilm i går: Radiograph of a Family vant hovedprisen under IDFA: Award for Best Feature-Length Documentary. I tillegg vant filmen pris for beste kreative bruk av arkivmateriale. Vi gratulerer regissør Firouzeh Khosrovani og produsentene Fabien Greenberg and Bård Kjøge Rønning i Antipode Films!
Antipode Films og Fritt Ord skulle egentlig invitert til norsk premiere på Radiograph of a Family mandag 30. november i Oslo, men har utsatt festpremieren til 2021 når vi kan ha publikum i salen igjen.
I sin begrunnelse skriver juryen: “Radiography of a Family is literally an X-ray of a family. As discontent grows with politics, many people experience their families divided on ideological lines. Through masterful storytelling, Firouzeh shows how history and revolution brought about the political and personal divorce of her parents, a secular father and increasingly conservative mother. The family space changes over time due to forces of the outside world. It’s the great accomplishment of the filmmaker that she so subtly and poetically shows how divided politics can divide a room and change it forever. The fractured body of family life is told through images, photos, and enactments in such a way that the viewer, too, feels the loss".
Fritt Ord har støttet utvikling (2016), produksjon (2017) og formidling (2020) av filmen.